From greek to fluent

Masters of Personalization

Tuesday 02:30 PM - 03:10 PM

Language: Norsk

Does insurance have to be completely Greek for most people? Can an insurance company even have a personality? Will the language you use affect how customers feel about your brand? And what on earth is a tone of voice?

About Jan-Frode Instefjord Christensen

Jan Frode works as a copywriter and concept developer at Tryg Forsikring. In his former life, he has been a plumber, musician, DJ and creative director. Jan Frode is a man not known for thinking inside the box. He has over 20 years' experience in advertising, communication and branding, and has worked extensively on how language can contribute to creating better customer experiences and clear brands.

About Erlend Yndestad

Erlend works as CRM Manager and Senior Marketing Consultant at Tryg. He also has 10 years' experience as a freelance journalist and has held various roles in Tryg over the past 20 years. Erlend is a business developer and journalist by nature, and challenges both language and processes. He likes to make the complicated simple for the reader, and his motto when writing about insurance is "would mum understand this?". Erlend has lived in Fargo for 8 years.


Jan-Frode Instefjord Christensen

Copywriter, UX writer and concept developer, Tryg Forsikring

Jan Frode works as a copywriter and concept developer at Tryg Forsikring. In his former life, he has been a plumber, musician, DJ and creative director. Jan Frode is a man not known for thinking inside the box.

He has over 20 years' experience in advertising, communication and branding, and has worked extensively on how language can contribute to creating better customer experiences and clear brands.

Erlend Yndestad

Senior Marketing Consultant, Tryg Forsikring

Erlend works as CRM Manager and Senior Marketing Consultant at Tryg. He also has 10 years' experience as a freelance journalist and has held various roles in Tryg over the past 20 years. Erlend is a business developer and journalist by nature, and challenges both language and processes. He likes to make the complicated simple for the reader, and his motto when writing about insurance is "would mum understand this?". Erlend has lived in Fargo for 8 years.

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