
Shuttle buses between Laholmen and Strömstad Spa

There are shuttle busses between Laholmen and Strömstad Spa. We also have drivers available during the daytime, if you need transportation between the hotels. Contact the Dialogkonferansen reception at the conference to book a driver.

Departure times:

Sunday 08.09:

  • From Strömstad Spa til Laholmen: 17:15

Monday 09.09:

  • From Laholmen to Strömstad Spa: 08:15
  • From Strömstad Spa to Laholmen: 16:45
  • From Laholmen to Strömstad Spa: 18:30
  • From Strömstad Spa to Laholmen: 24:00

Tuesday 10.09

  • From Laholmen to Strömstad Spa: 08:00
  • From Strömstad Spa to Laholmen: 16:45

Wednesday 11.09

  • From Laholmen to Strömstad Spa: 08:00

Dialongkonferansen's express buses

Dialogkonferansen has its own express buses from Oslo and Copenhagen – included in your ticket! If the departure times are inconvenient for you, you can travel to the conference at your own expense. There is parking at the hotels.

Return transport to Oslo and Copenhagen

Return to Oslo september 13

  • Departure from Strömstad Spa 13:00. Estimated arrival: 15:00

Return to Copenhagen september 13

  • Departure from Strömstad Spa 13:00. Estimated arrival: 18:00.

Bus departures

Sunday 8th September:

  • Bus from Thon Hotel Opera, Oslo at 10:00 AM, estimated arrival 11:45. The bus departs behind Thon Hotel Opera, by the taxis and entrance to Oslo S (Map).

  • Bus from Thon Hotel Opera, Oslo at 12:00 PM, estimated arrival 13:45. The bus departs behind Thon Hotel Opera, by the taxis and entrance to Oslo S (Map).

  • Bus from Høje Taastrup Station, Copenhagen at 08:00 AM, estimated arrival 15:00. (In front of the taxi stand) (Map).

  • Bus from Lyngby Station, Copenhagen at 08:30 AM, estimated arrival 15:00. (Map).

Monday 9th September:

  • Bus from Thon Hotel Opera, Oslo at 06:45 AM, estimated arrival 08:00. The bus departs behind Thon Hotel Opera, by the taxis and entrance to Oslo S (Map).

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