Bli best på Marketing Automation


Tuesday 02:50 PM - 03:10 PM

Language: Norsk

Working with Marketing Automation (MA) is both time-consuming and challenging, but most of all incredibly fun! It is also very easy to make mistakes if you base communication on assumptions and gut feelings. Victoria and Hilde both work as MA specialists for Bas Kommunikasjon, and will tell you about good tips on how you can also be the best at MA. Let yourself be inspired to create the best customer experience for your recipients and come and see good examples from real life - some do's and don'ts.

"If you master one Marketing Automation Solution - you master them all". That is Hilde and Victoria's rule of life. No matter which system you have chosen, Victoria and Hilde will challenge you to run the solution more efficiently and create even better results. Because it is their everyday life, regardless of industry or solution.

About Bas Kommunikasjon

Bas Kommunikasjon is an extremely happy group of around 50 people and we are the largest in Norway in personalized and insight-based communication. In addition, we hold the Dialogue Conference once a year since 1997. And yes, we do absolutely everything ourselves.


Victoria Olsson

Senior Marketing Automation Specialist, Bas Kommunikasjon

Hilde Haustreis

Senior Marketing Automation Specialist, Bas Kommunikasjon

Hilde Haustreis jobber som Senior Marketing Automation Specialist og teamleder i Bas Kommunikasjon, og har 6 års erfaring fra bransjen. Hun virkelig elsker faget og syns det er både spennende og motiverende å få hjelpe bedrifter med å bli enda mer personlig og målrettet i sin kommunikasjon. Med erfaring fra ulike bransjer som varehandel, media og fagorganisasjoner tar hun med seg mye verdifull erfaring i kofferten.

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Official opening

Helga Stormo Kristianslund, Markedsansvarlig , Bas Kommunikasjon

Hilde Haustreis, Senior Marketing Automation Specialist, Bas Kommunikasjon

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